




Lord, don't move that mountain

Lord don’t move that mountain

Give me the strength to climb it

Please don’t move that stumbling block

But lead me Lord around it

The way may not be easy

You didn't say that it would be

But when my tribulations get too light

We turn to stay away from thee

Who cares we bring on to you

You told us that we could

But you have also tried and help themselves

And I believe that we should

Lord don’t move that mountain

Give me the strength to climb it

Please don’t move that stumbling block

But lead me Lord around it


1. Opening

2. Being Stupid

3. Running

4. Trouble At Home

5. Rubiks Cube Taxi

6. Park Chase

7. Linda Leaves

8. Night At Police Station

9. Possibly

10. Where's My Shoe

11. To The Game / Touchdown

12. Locked Out

13. Dinosaurs

14. Homeless

15. Happyness

16. Welcome Chris

来到清风是因为这里有我想要的歌,如这部电影里的一些 -vNQkOu A'.O@5e9 Nd:Q&8- S3!OiwdgX 这部电影是同学推荐我看的,我一般很少看励志电影,但这部不一样,也许他讲的是一个普通贫民的故事吧,深深打动了我,两个小时电影一口气就看完了,太感人了,看到结尾已经心里想的已经不是主人公是否会成功了,而是看他那不服输的精神。 P5n J'l &-zX 电影里的音乐也很好听,最有感触的就是在教堂里众人唱的那首歌,很巧,我是搜电影原声到了清风,没想到这里还放着我最想听的那首歌,看完电影,我又将进度条拖到了唱这首歌的位置,再次体验感动是什么滋味。 'mF<3.n wPb<>?w!M Lord, don't move that mountain ]A`8n% Give me strength to climb it {,aUfc Please don't move that stumbling block =P><~f But lead me, Lord, around it -.A1#?9-L My burdens, they get so heaby XU-(O?".p Seems hard to bear NKWB6v"rQ But I won't give up, no, no _C3Y\a\pu Because you promised me 4wn5)b You'd meet me at the altar of prayer &!D}M>^ J qaV^$ 歌曲找不到,只找到这个 sv#+:35 flash: ~rjOQZKY\ 不知为什么贴不了flash,给个地址 也是清风里找到的 !@6g#fk


名字 Lord don’t move that mountain