ifive mini3怎么三?
的有关信息介绍如下:恢复出厂步骤:① 关机② 开机,在出现DELL LOGO时,同时按下POWER和VOL+键,会出现安卓机器人图标③ 在如下选单中Android system recovery<3e>Android system recovery utility0 reboot system now1 apply update from external storage2 wipe data / factory reset3 wipe cache partition4 clean/data and then shutdown5 Enter Engineering Mode使用VOL键移动光标,POWER键选择第2项“wipe data / factory reset”④ 在如下提示后Confirm wipe of all user data ?THIS CAN NOT BE UNDONE.选择“Yes -- delete all user data.”恢复出厂很快完成。