的有关信息介绍如下:好雨知时节 当春乃发生
随风潜入夜 润物细无声
夜径云俱黑 江船火独明
晓看红温处 花重锦官城
Rain has come just in time, in spring as if it is wise.
Silently it began at night, and watered everything nice.
The night was too dark to see the clouds,
however a light from river boat was shining.
And I saw something moist and red at dawn,
which turned out to be flowers smiling.
好雨知时节 Nice rain knew the season
当春乃发生 Which fell in the right spring
随风潜入夜 Entering the night with wind
润物细无声 Watered everyting peacefully
夜径云俱黑 Clouds are dark over the paths
江船火独明 The fire from boats is shining
晓看红温处 To see the red wet place at dawn
花重锦官城 Blossoms covered Jin'guan Town
好雨知时节 The good rain knows the season
当春乃发生 When the spring is the occurrence
随风潜入夜 Dives with the wind at nightfall
润物细无声 Run is thin silently
夜径云俱黑 The night of diameter cloud is all black
江船火独明 The river boat fire alone is bright
晓看红温处 The dawn looks red warm place
花重锦官城 Flowered heavy brocade official city