
英文歌O Come O Come Emmanuel,中文歌词?

英文歌O Come O Come Emmanuel,中文歌词?


英文歌O Come O Come Emmanuel,中文歌词?

《O Come O Come Emmanuel 》中英文歌词: 演唱:Enya 作词: Henry Sloane Coffin I'm missing you, I'm waiting for your spell 我在想念你,我一直在等待着你魔力 without you my heart will fade 没有你,我的心会黯然失色 I'll rather leave you life and delete? 我要把你从我生命中消失吗? Come now out, Come now out, Emmanuel 来吧,来吧,以马内利 I'm waiting for your hypnotizi

O Come All Ye Faithful Joyful and triumphant, O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem. Come and behold Him, Born the King of Angels; O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, O come, let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. O Sing, choirs of angels, Sing in exultation, Sing all that hear i

o come, o come emmanuel 艺人:jadon lavik 发行时间:2006年11月14日 歌词: 来啊,来啊,艾曼纽 来啊,来啊,艾曼纽 以色列俘虏和赎金 在孤独的流亡这哀悼 似乎直到神的儿子 欢喜!欢喜!欢喜!欢喜! 你会来,阿。 来啊,你一天的春天,来加油 我们的灵魂因你的到来这里 驱散夜的阴沉的云 和死亡的阴影击溃。 欢喜!欢喜!艾曼纽 你会来,阿。 欢喜!欢喜!欢喜!欢喜! 来啊,来啊,你上主的可能, 谁给你的部落,在西奈的高度, 在古代,我给法, 云,威严和敬畏。 欢喜!欢喜!欢喜!欢喜! 欢喜!欢喜!欢喜!欢喜!。

(Come now/out, Come now/out, Emmanuel) I'm missing you I'm waiting for your spell without you my heart will fade (I'll rather leave your life and delete/delay?) (Come now/out, Come now/out, Emmanuel) I'm waiting for your hypnotizing spell X 3 (O Come, O Come Emmanuel) I'm dreaming of you (super) nat