




CAM (computer Aided Manufacturing,计算机辅助制造)的核心是计算机数值控制(简称数控),是将计算机应用于制造生产过程的过程或系统。1952年美国麻省理工学院首先研制成数控铣床。数控的特征是由编码在穿孔纸带上的程序指令来控制机床。此后发展了一系列的数控机床,包括称为“加工中心”的多功能机床,能从刀库中自动换刀和自动转换工作位置,能连续完成锐、钻、饺、攻丝等多道工序,这些都是通过程序指令控制运作的,只要改变程序指令就可改变加工过程,数控的这种加工灵活性称之为“柔性”。

CAM Camera

****** CAM Computer-Aided Manufacturing

****** CAM Camcorder (video source)

****** CAM Complementary and Alternative Medicine

****** CAM Camshaft

****** CAM Community Association Manager (Community Associations Institute )

****** CAM Camouflage(d)

****** CAM Center for Applied Mathematics (Cornell)

****** CAM Caminho (Portuguese: Way; postal usage)

****** CAM Conditional Access Module (digital TV)

****** CAM Common Area Maintenance

****** CAM Campeche (postcode, Mexico)

****** CAM Certified Apartment Manager

****** CAM Cell Adhesion Molecule

****** CAM Community Atmosphere Model (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)

***** CAM CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) Assessment Method

***** CAM Content Addressable Memory

***** CAM Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo (Spanish Savings Bank)

***** CAM Computer-Aided Machining

***** CAM Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (botany)

***** CAM Chorioallantoic Membrane

***** CAM Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spanish)

**** CAM Compliance Assurance Monitoring (EPA)

**** CAM Clear As Mud

**** CAM Computer Assisted Manufacturing

**** CAM Chemical Agent Monitor

**** CAM Computational and Applied Mathematics

**** CAM Client Account Manager

**** CAM Common Access Method

**** CAM Customer Account Manager

**** CAM Common Array Manager (EMC Corp.)

**** CAM Computerized AIDS Ministries

**** CAM Certificate of Advanced Mastery

**** CAM Corporate Account Manager

**** CAM Content Aggregation Model

**** CAM Clube Atletico Mineiro (Brazilian soccer team.)

**** CAM Cost Account Manager

**** CAM Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (lung malformation)

**** CAM Control Account Manager

**** CAM Contract Audit Manual (DCAA)

**** CAM Cockpit Area Microphone

**** CAM Continuous Air Monitor(s)

**** CAM Cellular Automata Machine

**** CAM Conventional Allopathic Medicine

**** CAM Computer-Aided Methods

**** CAM Computer-Aided Mapping

**** CAM Community Action Marin (San Rafael, CA)

*** CAM Conseil des Arts de Montréal (French: Arts Council of Montreal; Montreal, Quebec, Canada)

*** CAM Centrifuge Accommodation Module

*** CAM Comité d'Aide Medicale

*** CAM Cradle of Aviation Museum (Long Island, New York)

*** CAM Communauté d'Agglomération du Muretain (French: Agglomeration Community of Muret; Muret, France)

*** CAM Constantly Awake Mode (wireless networking)

*** CAM Coördinatiepunt Assessment en Monitoring

*** CAM Centrifugal Advance Mechanism

*** CAM Causa Mortis (Latin: Cause of Death; Codices and Manuscripts)

*** CAM College of Arts and Media

*** CAM Canadian Association of Movers

*** CAM Channel Access Method

*** CAM Collision Avoidance Maneuver

*** CAM Cameroon Anglophone Movement

*** CAM Compagnie des Autobus de Monaco (French: Monaco Bus Company; Monaco)

*** CAM Communication Access Method

*** CAM Consolidated Aircraft Maintenance

*** CAM Centralized Asset Management

*** CAM Chartered Asset Manager

*** CAM Chemical Abstract Machine

*** CAM Card Authentication Method (payment card verification)

*** CAM Coopérative des Agriculteurs de la Mayenne (French: Farmers Cooperative of Mayenne; Mayenne, France)

*** CAM Center for Applied Microtechnology

*** CAM Core Automated Maintenance

*** CAM Comprehensive Assessment Model

*** CAM Combat Air Museum (Topeka, Kansas)

*** CAM Creative Association Management

*** CAM Computer-Assisted Mapping

*** CAM Carrierless Amplitude Modulation

*** CAM Career Asset Manager

*** CAM Custom Aeronautical Miniatures

*** CAM Civil Aeronautics Manual

*** CAM Controlled Ankle Motion

*** CAM Comprehensive Air Quality Model

*** CAM Catapult Armed Merchantman (WWII Naval vessel)

*** CAM Cisco Access Manager

*** CAM Casio digital camera file (file extension)

*** CAM Cartographic Automatic Mapping

*** CAM Centre d'Aviation Météorologique

*** CAM California Assessment Manual

** CAM Constant Air Monitor

** CAM Central Address Memory

** CAM Commercial Air Movement

** CAM Channel Assignment Message

** CAM Cercle Athlétique de Montrouge (French: Montrouge Athletic Circle; Montrouge, France)

** CAM Club Automobile Martin (French automobile club)

** CAM Computer As Medium

** CAM Contractor Acquired Material

** CAM Call Accepted Message (ITU-T)

** CAM Carrier Aircraft Modification (NASA)

** CAM Centralized Ammunition Management (US Army)

** CAM Computer Address Matrix

** CAM Computer-Aided Makeup

** CAM crisis action module (US DoD)

** CAM Centre d'Affaires Médical (French: Medical Affairs Center)

** CAM Civil Affairs Model

** CAM Cybernetic Anthropomorphic Machine

** CAM Computer Annunciation Matrix (NASA)

** CAM Cost Allocation Matrix

** CAM Coupled Angular Mode

** CAM Christian Air Ministry

** CAM Cavernous Angiomatous Malformations

** CAM Checkout and Automatic Monitoring

** CAM Commodity Area Manager

** CAM Customer Account Monitor

** CAM Contract Area Manager

* CAM Coronographic Apodizer Mechanism

* CAM Customer Acquisition and Management

* CAM Common Aviation Maintenance

* CAM Computer Assessment of Media

* CAM Commercial Air Movement Number

* CAM Central Access Memory

* CAM Coalition for the Apostolic Ministry

* CAM Cercle des Agriculteurs Malgaches

* CAM Communications Asset Monitoring (satellite communications)

* CAM Compliance Allocation Matrix

* CAM Communication Advertising & Marketing Society

* CAM Centro Aiuti Mondiali

* CAM Cohesion Among Methods of Class

* CAM Captured Available Market

* CAM Call Access Manager (Evercom Systems Inc.)

* CAM Cabin Attendant Manual (airlines)

* CAM Central Alarm Monitor

* CAM Centro Apostólico Misionero (Spanish)

* CAM Customer Acceptance Manual

* CAM Consolidated Avionics Maintenance

* CAM Contract Advisory Memorandum

* CAM Credit Appraisal Memorandum

* CAM Consolidated Assessment Model

* CAM Chicago Area Mennonites

* CAM Cincinnati Art Museum (Cincinnati, OH)

* CAM Citigroup Asset Management (Legg Mason, Inc.)

* CAM Centre for Advanced Microscopy (various locations)

* CAM Cartoon Art Museum (San Francisco, CA)

* CAM California Association of Museums (Santa Cruz, CA)

* CAM Capital Asset Management (various locations)

* CAM Composite Application Management (computing)

* CAM Court-Annexed Mediation (various locations)

* CAM Crocker Art Museum (Sacramento, CA)

* CAM Convoy Asset Management Limited (Hong Kong)

CAM (computer Aided Manufacturing,计算机辅助制造)的核心是计算机数值控制(简称数控),是将计算机应用于制造生产过程的过程或系统。