n.细胞膜质,纤维素; (用于制作涂料、漆等的)纤维素化合物;
About 90 percent of the weight of old paper is cellulose, the sturdy material that makes up plant cell walls.
Wood-based cellulose maker sateri international, which is controlled by indonesian tycoon sukanto tanoto and has significant brazilian operations, is looking to raise about$ 1 billion in a hong kong ipo, according to a person familiar with the matter.
由印尼富豪陈江和(sukanto tanoto)控股的木质纤维素制造商赛得利国际集团(sateri international)在巴西有重要业务运营,据知情人士说,该公司正打算在香港ipo,计划募资10亿美元。