
uzbek hit的歌词是什么语言

uzbek hit的歌词是什么语言


uzbek hit的歌词是什么语言

乌兹别克斯坦歌手VARIOUS ARTISTS 所唱的UZBEK HIT 的歌词 《Uzbek - Hit - 1》,乌兹别克斯坦歌曲, 出自乌兹别克斯坦歌曲精选集中, 非常大爱的歌! 从开始时那温柔飘渺的哼唱、就轻易掳获了我的耳朵。 高潮时、女声清亮而明媚的声线。 把歌曲演绎的荡气回肠。 自然流露的真情、真实而惬意。 优美而伤感的旋律、纯粹干净的让人心动。 这样的歌适合在寂寥的夜晚、捧一杯幽香的清茶。 独自倾听、独自感受那份浅浅的悸动 找了半天就找到些這玩意。 我悶。 "Uzbek - Hit - 1", Uzbekistan songs, selected songs from Uzbekistan, focused, very great love song! From the beginning of that gentle misty singing, it easily captured my ears, height, Qing Liang and bright female voice, to perform the soul-stirring songs, spontaneous true feelings, real and comfortable. Beautiful and sad melody, pure and clean heart people. This song fit in the solitude of the night, holding a cup of fragrant tea, listening alone, alone in feeling the throb share of shallow 将就看吧。。。
